Monday, May 18, 2020

WEEK 12 (FYP 2)


Final Year Project Report ( Chapter 3 & 4 )

          I am thoroughly focus this week on chapters three, four and five of the FYP report. Chapter 3 is methodology, which is this chapter, it is already complete for FYP 1 last semester so I need to change a little bit because I have updated to FYP 2 already. The first part I changed is schematic diagram as figure bellows.

Schematic Diagram for Transmitter and Receiver

       After that, I created a table to list the price of my project for my whole component, which needed the report to be placed on. I can measure for the entire budget I spend on this project by listing the price and overall it is RM 597.19.

Chapter 4 is about the outcome and discussion that I need to clarify the flow for my outcome and demonstrate the evidence in photo. I had successfully archived my target and objectives for my project, which can be raise any object by using hand motion. The photo below is for my chapter 4 and I will be showing my result in photo.

Chapter 4 on My Report

The Result For My Project

The robotic arm moved up when get the upward motion

The robotic arm moved down when get the downward motion

The robotic arm's gripper opened when get the rightward motion

The robotic arm's gripper closed when get the leftward motion

The robotic arm grip the object

The robotic arm lifting an object

WEEK 15 (FYP 2)

WEEK 15 Presentation Day Today is my last week for my FYP 2 project that I presented my video presentation on 4 August 2020. All stu...